tssci security

Week of War on WAF's: Day 2 -- A look at the past

Web application experts have been asking WAF vendors the same questions for years with no resolution. It's not about religion for many security professionals -- it's about having a product that works as advertised.

My frustration is not unique. I am not the first person to clamor on about web application firewalls. Jeff Williams pointed me to a post that Mark Curphey made in 2004. Today, Curphey appears to have a change of heart -- his latest blog post provides a link to URLScan, which some claim is like mod-security for Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS). Microsoft released URLScan Beta 3.0 in order to curtail the massive problem of over two million Classic ASP web applications that have become infected due to the SQL injection attacks.

Here is the post where the frustration of WAF and their vendors first began:

-----Original Message-----
From: The OWASP Project [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, 16 November 2004 2:34 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: An Open Letter (and Challenge) to the Application Security Consortium

An Open Letter (and Challenge) to the Application Security Consortium

Since its inception in late 2000 the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has provided free and open tools and documentation to educate people about the increasing threat of insecure web applications and web services. As a not-for-profit charitable foundation, one of our community responsibilities is to ensure that fair and balanced information is available to companies and consumers.

Our work has become recommended reading by the Federal Trade Commission, VISA, the Defense Information Systems Agency and many other commercial and government entities.

The newly unveiled Application Security Consortium recently announced a "Web Application Security Challenge" to other vendors at the Computer Security Institute (CSI) show in Washington, D.C. This group of security product vendors proposes to create a new minimum criteria and then rate their own products against it.

The OWASP community is deeply concerned that this criteria will mislead consumers and result in a false sense of security. In the interest of fairness, we believe the Application Security Consortium should disclose what security issues their products do not address.

As a group with a wide range of international members from leading financial services organizations, pharmaceutical companies, manufacturing companies, services providers, and technology vendors, we are constantly reminded about the diverse range of vulnerabilities that are present in web applications and web services. The very small selection of vulnerabilities you are proposing to become a testing criteria are far from representative of what our members see in the real world and therefore do not represent a fair or suitable test criteria.

In fact, it seems quite a coincidence that the issues you have chosen seem to closely mirror the issues that your technology category is typically able to detect, while ignoring very common vulnerabilities that cause serious problems for companies.

Robert Graham, Chief Scientist at Internet Security Systems, recently commented on application firewalls in an interview for CNET news. When asked the question "How important do you think application firewalls will become in the future?" his answer was "Not very."

"Let me give you an example of something that happened with me. Not long ago, I ordered a plasma screen online, which was to be shipped by a local company in Atlanta. And the company gave me a six-digit shipping number. Accidentally, I typed in an incremental of my shipping number (on the online tracking Web site). Now, a six-digit number is a small number, so of course I got someone else's user account information. And the reason that happened was due to the way they've set up their user IDs, by incrementing from a six-digit number. So here's the irony: Their system may be so cryptographically secure that (the) chances of an encrypted shipping number being cracked is lower than a meteor hitting the earth and wiping out civilization. Still, I could get at the next ID easily. There is no application firewall that can solve this problem.

With applications that people are running on the Web, no amount of additive things can cure fundamental problems that are already there in the first place."

This story echoes some of the fundamental beliefs and wisdom shared by the collective members of OWASP. Our experience shows that the problems we face with insecure software cannot be fixed with technology alone. Building secure software requires deep changes in our development culture, including people, processes, and technology.

We challenge the members of the Application Security Consortium to accept a fair evaluation of their products. WASP will work with its members (your customers) to create an open set of criteria that is representative of the web application and web services issues found in the real world. OWASP will then build a web application that contains each of these issues. The criteria and web application will be submitted to an independent testing company to evaluate your products.

You can submit your products to be tested against the criteria (without having prior access to the code) on the basis that the results are able to be published freely and will unabridged.

We believe that this kind of marketing stunt is irresponsible and severely distracts awareness from the real issues surrounding web application and web services security. Corporations need to understand that they must build better software and not seek an elusive silver bullet.

We urge the Consortium not to go forward with their criteria, but to take OWASP up on our offer to produce a meaningful standard and test environment that are open and free for all.

Website: www.owasp.org

Week of War on WAF's: Day 1 -- Top ten reasons to wait on WAF's

Hello, and welcome to the Week of War on WAF's, the same week that ends whereby PCI-DSS Requirement 6.6 goes into effect as a deadline for many merchants. Today is the first day. So far, Marcin has identified some of the problems with web application firewalls. We were able to identify what we would like to see in WAF's, both commercial and open-source in the future (since they do not work properly today). In this post, I want to start off the week by listing the Top ten reasons to wait on WAF's.

Top tens reasons to wait on WAF's

  1. WAF vendors won't tell us what they don't block
  2. Requires a web application security expert with code knowledge, HTTP knowledge, and a lot of time / careful planning to configure
  3. Gartner leaves WAF's off their Magic Quadrant for web application security on purpose
  4. No truth in advertising leads to a false sense of security
  5. Vendors show signs of desparation, claiming imperatives and illegality in addition to just the standard FUD
  6. Attacks that are claimed to be blocked are coincidentally also found in WAF solutions themselves (e.g. XSS in the security reports or web configuration panels)
  7. Every organization that has installed a blocking WAF has also been in the media for known, active XSS and/or SQL injection
  8. Second-order (i.e. non-HTTP or unprotected path) injections cannot be blocked or even detected
  9. Real-world web application attacks are more often strings of attacks, or at the business logic layer -- WAF's cannot detect or prevent these kinds of attacks
  10. PCI-DSS Requirement 6.6 can be met with compensating controls, web application security scanners, automated security review tools, and/or manual review of the pen-test or code varieties

We understand and realize that the ideas of a blocking WAF are very popular right now. There are many supporters behind the WAF and VA+WAF movements. While we'd also like to support what the rest of the community sees as the future -- we also want to make sure that it is the right thing to do.

One of the best ways to move forward with any given technology is to look at its faults. We learn best in IT when things fall apart -- when they break. TS/SCI Security has put a lot of thought, practice, and research into WAF technology. Marcin's most recent post demonstrates our list of requirements (e.g. block outbound) and nice-to-have's (e.g. good documentation). Some vendors might already have this sort of outbound blocking functionality, and we're not even aware of it! Other vendors could have clearly defined "VA+WAF blocking" documentation, which could even be internal engineering or strategy documents that should be out in the open (or at least available to paying customers).

Also -- if we do end up demonstrating that WAF, VA+WAF, APIDS, ADMP, or other solution is less viable than a new, better idea -- let's move this research into the forefront.

Web application firewalls: A slight change of heart

We've been beating the drum for some time now, expressing our opinions of web application firewalls (WAFs). You might have sided with us on this issue, are against us, or are just tired from it all by now. This post is about to change all that, and show that we are not 100% anti-WAF, and that there are some useful applications for them.

Why WAFs do not work

In a post on why most WAFs do not block, Jeremiah Grossman quoted Dan Geer:

When you know nothing, permit-all is the only option. When you know something, default-permit is what you can and should do. When you know everything, default-deny becomes possible, and only then.

Jeremiah then stated that to implement a default-deny WAF (which would offer the most security, but carries with it the greatest business impact), you need to know everything about your app, at all times -- even when it changes. How appealing is this, given the amount of resources you currently have? Who will be responsible for maintaining the WAF? These are all questions you should be asking yourself. Jeremiah then goes on to say that default-permit is necessary in web applications -- going against everything we've learned in security over the past 40 years. Wait... what??

Some context that can attest to our reasoning

Over the last several weeks, I've been evaluating several web application firewalls. They all have their own list of cons and more cons. On my first day, having sat down at their consoles, I was a little overwhelmed by all the options present -- application profiles, signatures, policies, etc. It all came to me as I worked through it and read the manuals, though frankly, I don't see how anyone without a web application security background can keep up with it all. I fear these devices will be deployed and forgotten, relying solely on their ability to learn and self-adjust.

Let's talk about the consoles used to monitor and maintain the WAF. One vendor had a fat app, which was a bit clunky, non-intuitive and had multiple usability issues. The number one issue that comes to mind is on the monitoring panel -- to watch alerts in real-time, you need to set an automatic refresh rate which updates the entire display, which makes it impossible to analyze HTTP requests/responses during this time. If you're scrolled down to a certain location of a request, and the console refreshes, you lose your position and are brought back up to the top. I don't understand why the entire screen had to be updated, rather than a particular frame.

Another vendor used a webapp to manage itself, which was in my opinion much nicer and easier to use, albeit slower. When on the alert monitoring page, you had to manually click a button to refresh the alerts, and viewing requests/responses was a major pain. The application utilized AJAX on pages that could do without, but in areas that could benefit from them, they resorted to old web tactics.

In the course of my testing, I started by taking RSnake's XSS cheatsheet and creating Selenium test cases for attacking our own vulnerable web application (See our talk, Path X from ShmooCon). For those unfamiliar with Selenium, it's a browser driver that performs functional testing, though we have showed how it can be used for security testing. We didn't use WebGoat (or any other vulnerable apps), reasoning that the vendors must have tested against those and know them inside out for just such occasions. Renaud Bidou had an excellent presentation on How to test an IPS [PPT] from CanSecWest '06 which I believe can be applied to testing WAFs for those interested. Suffice to say, the WAF's did not detect ALL of the XSS from the cheatsheet that was thrown at it, which is pretty sad. I would have expected they at least get that right.

That brings us to second-order, persistent XSS and SQL injection attacks. When a web application strings together data from multiple sources, detection of such attacks can be very hard. The WAF cannot account for this logic, thus allowing an attacker to effectively bypass the WAF by staging his XSS/submitting multiple payloads to various sources. When the application then pieces the data together, an XSS (SQL injection, etc) condition exists. The problem with this? Your WAF never detected it, and you have no idea your site's been attacked and is now hosting malicious scripts.

There are just some attacks a WAF will never detect. HTML / CSS injection through HTML / CSS is just one example. Go on over to http://google.com/search?q=cache%3Atssci-security.com -- can you describe what is going on here?

Or how about CSRF? Insecure session management? What can a WAF do to protect against business logic flaws? We can go on and on, and yet vendors still claim protection against OWASP Top 10, which if you believe shows you know nothing about web application security.

How WAFs can help

So I lied, we haven't changed our minds about WAFs. But wait! I'll let you know what would change our minds at least a little, which would show that WAFs can have their purposes. Without this though, I can't recommend any organization spend the money on such devices -- especially if they need to meet compliance requirements where other options do exist.

The value of WAF Egress, revisited

What should a WAF do? `Block attacks <http://ha.ckers.org/blog/20070213/comparingcontrasting-network-and-application-security/#comment-17912>`_ on the `egress <http://ha.ckers.org/blog/20070608/the-virtues-of-waf-egress/>`_ / `outbound <http://ha.ckers.org/blog/20080203/inline-or-out-of-bounds-defeating-active-security-devices/#comment-60864>`_, while staying out of the inbound flow of traffic. I'm not talking about signature based blocking either. This is the tough part, because it's almost impossible. One way I see it working though, is if the application keeps the content (HTML), presentation (CSS), and behavior (JavaScript) separated. The application should not serve any inline scripts, but instead serve script files that would alter the content on the client side. This would make, e.g. outbound XSS prevention possible because a WAF could then detect inline scripts in the content. None of the WAFs I evaluated could detect a client being exploited by a persistent XSS condition. This would also tell me how many users were affected by the XSS attack, which we haven't seen any numbers on apart from the number of friends Samy had when he dropped his pants and took a dump all over our industry.

Jeremiah and I got a picture with him wearing "Samy is my hero" shirts. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! But to quote a sanitized version of what one guy said, Samy knew nothing about webappsec and one day he walked in, dropped his pants and took a huge dump on our industry and then left again. And we just looked around at one another and said, "What just happened?"

Another way to get this right is to apply the work done by Matias Madou, Edward Lee, Jacob West and Brian Chess of Fortify in a paper titled: Watch What You Write: Preventing Cross-Site Scripting by Observing Program Output [PDF]. They go on to talk about capturing normal behavior of an application during functional testing, and then attacking the application as if in a hostile environment, where it is then monitored to ensure it does not deviate from normal behavior. Basically, it's all about monitoring your application output in areas that are known to be dynamic.

In-depth, the Foritfy work is using dynamic taint propagation, by which "taint propagation" or "taint tracking" is similarly done with static analysis in order to trace misused input data from source to sink. This is also a corollary to the work that Fortify has presented on before with regards to Countering the faults of web scanners through bytecode injection [PDF]. While web application security scanners only demonstrate 20-29 percent of the overall security picture because of surface and code coverage for the inputs of the application under test, dynamic taint tracking goes a long way to providing more coverage for these kinds of tests because it's done as white-box dynamic analysis instead of functional black-box runtime testing.

The value of XHTML

My fellow blogger, Andre Gironda, helped out with the praise section for the book, "Refactoring HTML: Improving the Design of Existing Web Applications", by Elliotte Rusty Harold. It's hard to disagree with the notion that XHTML can help with both quality and security issues, as well as make applications and content easier to refactor and work with.

When you're recoding thousands or millions of lines of code, wouldn't well-formedness and validity be the primary requirements for working with such large volumes of code? If anything, well-formedness and content validity make the chores much easier to deal with. Rusty has this to say in his book:

[...] there are two things [authors for the Web] are very likely to write: JavaScript and stylesheets. By number, these are by far the most common kinds of programs that read web pages. Every JavaScript program embedded in a web page itself reads the web page. Every CSS stylesheet (though perhaps not a program in the traditional sense of the word) also reads the web page. JavaScript and CSS are much easier to write and debug when the pages they operate on are XHTML rather than HTML. In fact, the extra cost of making a page valid XHTML is more than paid back by the time you save debugging your JavaScript and CSS.

Since web application firewalls today cannot convert HTML on the outbound to XHTML, this is certainly a job for the content writers (sometimes, but often not the developers) to deal with. In the Refactoring HTMLbook, Rusty also talks about the tools necessary to develop content on the web:

Many HTML editors have built-in support for validating pages. For example, in BBEdit you can just go to the Markup menu and select Check/Document Syntax to validate the page you're editing. In Dreamweaver, you can use the context menu that offers a Validate Current Document item. (Just make sure the validator settings indicate XHTML rather than HTML.) In essence, these tools just run the document through a parser such as xmllint to see whether it's error-free.

If you're using Firefox, you should install Chris Pederick's Web Developer -- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/60 -- plug-in. Once you've done that, you can validate any page by going to Tools/Web Developer/Tools/Validate HTML. This loads the current page in the W3C validator. The plug-in also provides a lot of other useful options in Firefox.

Whatever tool or technique you use to find the markup mistakes, validating is the first step to refactoring into XHTML. Once you see what the problems are, you're halfway to fixing them.

Speaking of properly validated and easy to read/use content, what irked me throughout my evaluation most was documentation. Vendors: do not bundle a ton of HTML files together and call it a manual. If you're looking to do that, please use DocBook if you're not going to make a PDF available. Better yet, give us a hard copy.


We all know about the CISSP. You've heard the whispered hallway conversations. You've seen the business cards, the email signatures, and the government contract requirements. You might even know the secret handshake, or have the magical letters attached to your name somewhere yourself.

Alternatively, you may despise what it has done to the IT security industry and community. I do not despise it, and while I embrace it in concept (I'm not a CISSP, by the way) -- I have to agree that it has outlived its usefulness as a technical measure of capability. Special note: this is a very bad thing and it needs attention. No show of hands necessary.

Not all of the CISSP has been bad. It's given our industry a way to measure strong analyst level skills with information security concepts. Some claim there are benefits in the CBOK and ethics charter -- although these have been debated into nothingness over the years, with no innovations or improvements made. While some may argue that the CISSP was DOA, no one can dispute the fact that the CISSP's ability to deliver is currently MIA.

Wait, you're a CISA? Wait, you are a <insert other IT security certification here>? You'll also want to read on because this is also referring to you.

Specialist or Generalist: Pick one. Woops, you're too slow

I read Dan Geer's keynote at SOURCE Boston a few weeks ago, and a few things hit me. Near the end, he says:

Only people in this room will understand what I am now going to say. It is this: Security is perhaps the most difficult intellectual profession on the planet. The core knowledge base has reached the point where new recruits can no longer hope to be competent generalists, serial specialization is the only broad option available to them.

Geer is right: security is hard. It's also very intellectual. It brings a lot of ideas to the table.

Kevin Mitnick was doing his thing way before CISSP was around. It wasn't until later that intellectual success (but possibly ethical failure) stories such as Adrian Lamo, who showed that expert-level penetration-testing can be done by a hacker-without-a-home, a simple (possibly even outdated by average technology standards) laptop, and a web browser.

The reason why Adrian Lamo was so good, the reason why this industry exists, and the reason why security products fail are all interlinking problems. The only people who stand to win are the people who cause the most damage. Security is about damage prevention. Which is why Ranum is probably right, although I guess that's an argument for another time.

I sometimes (read: not often enough) work with a handful of people. Most are specialists -- a world-renown secure code reviewer, one of the world's best pen-testers (so I hear from even outside my organization), and an audit/framework/process guru. The generalists in our group (like myself) are a dying breed. I might also add that at least one of them is my age and brings an even broader skill-set and expertise to the table than I do. I consider myself very fortunate. Let me continue with this train of thinking by bringing us back to what Geer was saying about specialists vs. generalists:

Generalists are becoming rare, and they are being replaced by specialists. This is speciation inaction, and the narrowing of niches. In rough numbers, there are somewhere close to 5,000 various technical certifications you can get in the computer field, and the number of them is growing thus proving the conjecture of specialization [...] will not stop.

Today, I want to continue in the spirit of The New School of Information Security, and claim that we don't need expensive certification programs (i.e. products) that cater only to a certain kind of elite. We need to get back to basics.

IT Security certifications available to-date

You don't need them; I don't have them. Certifications breed specialization. We need more generalists. Don't get certified and don't pursue a certification.

Of the people that I work with, only the specialists have certifications. Note that the guy that is smarter than me (I asked him to provide input into this) -- he doesn't... and he says that the only certification that he was ever interested in through his career (I assume he's been working in this industry for over 10-12 years like myself) was from SAGE. He says it's no longer offered.

What is different about the OWASP People Certification Project

James McGovern wrote on his blog recently about this new project. In his blog post, Is it a bad thing that there are no IT security generalists?, he summarizes his points as follows:

As an Enterprise Architect, I understand the importance of the ability for a security professional to *articulate risk to IT and business executives*, yet I am also equally passionate that security professionals should also have the capability to *sit down at a keyboard and actually do something* as opposed to just talking about [it]. [...] If you are a skilled penetration tester, can write secure code and can reverse engineer software, you are worth more than any CISSP. For those who embrace the mental disorder of hybridism and distillation, *balance between these two are needed* where true IT security professionals understand both [...]

Can we appease both the voracious business needs and the wrath of the unstoppable and ever-expanding security learning curve? Is the OWASP People Certification Project the program that can do this?

If James can truly make this sort of thing happen (and I truly believe he is doing it and that he can do it -- based on everything I have seen so far), then I will do my best to ignore the obvious contradictions or annoyances -- and put my full support behind it.

It's not just James, either. Everyone I've met who has been involved in the OWASP project has been stellar. The OWASP organization has brought diverse people together in ways that DefCon/BlackHat, HOPE, Phrack, and many other grassroot efforts never could.

Will OPCP replace CISSP? Only time will tell, but I will tell you now that it indeed will. Wait and see.

Virtualization is a process, not a product

I see that the BlackHat Blogger's Network has a topic of interest. I'll oblige, especially since The Hoff is involved. I think it's a good exercise, so I'll have to thank Shimel for this idea.

You also won't want to miss what I've said about virtualization four months ago in Hardware VM security: past and present. Today, I just want to talk about Hoff's points and my experiences with modern virtualization.

Time is your most valued resource

Securing outdated "default-insecure" network devices, operating systems, and applications is wasted time that could be spent trying to convince management to replace or recode them.

It really does take about two or three days for one administrator to install CentOS, SELinux, Kickstart, and Apache/PHP. Really what else do you need? Similarly, I guess it takes about two to three months to install Windows Server 2003 or 2008, GPOAccelerator, RIS or Deployment Services, and IIS/ASP.NET. It takes maybe another month to implement the vendor/NSA/NIST hardening guidelines, CIS benchmarks, and OWASP material for either platform. If you can't be bothered to download a few PDF's, there's always books like the Hacking Exposed series.

In the case of "if it's not broke; don't fix it", the potential of a data breach due to an existing, known vulnerability (or an obvious state of software weakness) would count as "broken".

Virtualization can help organizations move quickly

Virtualization is supposed to help with these efforts! Instead of running through a whole Kickstart or WDS install, all you have to do is copy a file and boot it. Better -- this can be combined with iSCSI and shared disk filesystems such as OCFS2 or GFS. Better -- iSCSI can be enabled with DHCP to quickly get to new services.

I've had Xen hardware virtualized guests that ran redundant services on the same machine, with a keepalived heartbeat running between them. Why? Availability was the primary goal. Availability is certainly a part of security.

When you want to replace everything and start from scratch -- virtualization will help you get there much faster. In a mature infrastructure with mature process, any organization will see increases to availability (and therefore also the availability side of security) and mean-time-between-failure, and a decrease in mean-time-to-repair. Bootstrapping an infrastructure overnight is certainly possible. How is this not a good thing?

Virtualization has the same problems as the least privilege principle

The real least privilege principle is "if I have an account on the box, then I also have administrator/root". Privilege escalation is almost always possible. The same is true with regards to virtualization. If you get access to a Xen/VMWare/VirtualIron/etc guest, then you can usually also eventually get access to the host OS (and therefore all other guests).

For those that don't remember the Xen Multiple Vulnerabilities, read on up.

The nice thing about virtualization is when you take into account the previous concept. Sure, virtualization increases risk because it creates a situation of trust between the host and guest OSes. However, virtualization can also be instrumental in quickly installing and verifying SELinux RBAC or TE configurations, thus reducing that same risk to all OSes.

Also worth a mention here are concepts such as secure hypervisors (see my last article about sHype and links), Xen Access Controls, and Phantom.

Capacity planning is not as important as live (or dead) migration

I'll concur with Hoff that security concepts hurt virtualization concepts with regards to capacity planning. However, I'm not certain that virtualization is all about capacity planning in the first place. If anything, it allows you to shut down redundant services when they are not needed (or turn them on only during peak times). Virtualization allows you to move OS guests around the network (btw: doing so securely would be a very good idea -- I'll have to write up a paper/concept on "MITM'ing Live Migrations"), so in this way you can fix performance problems quickly by just shuffling things around. Again, this helps availability because it helps mean-time-to-repair.

For those of you who missed what I said about live migrations in my last article, be sure to check it out -- or just check out this link I had to an article on Live Migration of Xen Domains. The basics is that computers should be shut off when they aren't in use, and with virtualization this could mean shutting down everything but the last box.

Inter-dependencies caused by virtualization

I've seen this, felt its effects, and dealt with the agonizing pain. Virtualization environments add complexity. If you don't handle this complexity well normally, then stay far away from virtualization.


In the "virtualization can help organizations move quickly" section above, I talked about using Xen guests with filesystems on a remote iSCSI shared storage device running a distributed filesystem such as OCFS2, I also indicated that you could use DHCP for the Xen guests to find their associated filesystems. Well, of course -- I had problems with DNS, which was running in one of those Xen guests when everything came crashing down. After this event, the Xen guests couldn't find their disks because they couldn't find their DNS.

Hoff mentions ACL, VLAN, and other network-based dependencies. Of course! Don't do this sort of stuff and you won't get yourself in trouble. But this takes planning, risk management (of the non-security-only kind), and repair process analysis.

Documenting your environment and networks should already be in place before you move to a maturity step involving virtualization. Playing out "what-if" scenarios with a whiteboard can be done in the same way that Red-team exercises can be done. Sometimes being a security professional can also allow you to demonstrate your other resourceful risk expertise.

Virtualization isn't a technology -- it's a transition

Allow me to bring all of this together.

Gartner has an excellent model for understanding IT/Operations called the Infrastructure Maturity Model. The [PDF] current version that I'm looking at right now has seven levels.

Gartner Infrastructure Maturity Model

  1. Basic
  2. Centralized
  3. Standardized
  4. Rationalized
  5. Virtualized
  6. Service-based
  7. Policy-based

Assume you're in #1 (in the document above, it's #0) if you don't know otherwise. A lot of smart Enterprises are at least Standardized (#3 above), many more are Rationalized, and some have taken steps towards Virtualized.

I know that it is somewhat a theme of this blog (I also feel that it's a theme of security and risk management in general), but basically what I'm trying to say is that process is more important than technology. Process needs to come first. If you think you can download Xen and integrate it into your production IT/Operations infrastructure while you're stuck in phases 1-3 of the Infrastructure Maturity Model, then you need to take some ITIL classes. If you think buying the latest VMWare, VirtualIron, or Microsoft Virtual whatever is going to help you if you don't do the documentation, monitoring, life cycle care, strict change management, refined repair processes, and enduring risk management -- then you're just plain wrong. Virtualization is process, not a product. Just like security.

Security and virtualization can complement each other, just like security and availability (or ability to change) can compliment each other. If you didn't read Hoff's post on The Challenge of Virtualization Security: Organizational and Operational, NOT Technical -- please do so. What's more is that Pete Lindstrom and Mike Rothman say fairly similar things to what Hoff and I are saying. I'd say that we're all pretty fairly united as an industry on this topic, which is rare.

For those that want to read more on this topic, I suggest checking out this book on Virtualization Security from Michael T. Hoesing when it comes out in the next week or so.

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