tssci security

Scan hostnames efficiently with Nmap

So your DNS team sends you the company's entire domain name inventory in a CSV (comma-separated values) file. You're tasked with port scanning those hosts, to perform a network inventory, discover rogue services and other policy violations. It's simple to do this with a short list of domains and a small number of servers. For those who are responsible for entire data centers, hosting thousands of domain names, you'll need an efficient way to perform this. Since some IP addresses can be hosting more than one domain, and some domains are hosted on multiple servers, a little scripting can help you out.

The script below will resolve all the hostnames in the CSV file to IP addresses, and will only report back those that have successfully resolved. In a sample list of ~650 domain names, only ~520 were actually live systems. The rest were domains we owned but were not live yet.

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
require 'resolv'input = File.open("hosts.csv", "r")
output = File.open("hosts2.csv", "w")input.each_line {|line|
    line = line.chop
    Resolv::DNS.new.each_address("#{line}") {|addr|
        output.puts "#{line},#{addr}"

Now, using a little shell action, you can do a uniq|sort on this list to get the IP addresses.

$ ruby resolve.rb $ sed 's/,/ /' hosts2.csv | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq

That script will replace the comma with a space and using awk, will print the IP addresses. It then sorts the IP's and then removes duplicate entries. From there, you can now feed this list into Nmap for scanning. My list of ~520 live domain names were hosted on about 75 unique IP addresses, which sure beats scanning 650 domain names. =)

$ sed 's/,/ /' hosts2.csv | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | nmap -sSU -A -P0 -p U:53,111,137,T:1-65535 -T4 -iL - -oX filename.xml

If you have any other tips relating to this post, please reply with a comment! I'd love to hear feedback with better ways of making this process even more efficient.

Posted by Marcin on Monday, July 9, 2007 in Security and Work.

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