tssci security

Roothack revival -- and TSSCI is participating!

Epic and the gang over at roothack.org have revived the old but popular and fun wargames in a new style. The old games used to be 72-hour team-based games but are now level-based Capture the Flag (CTF) along the same vein as the PullThePlug games. If PTP was too hard for you or you're just looking for a change of pace then hop on over to the H3C wargames and give it a shot. Start on the system erinys and make your way to erebus. It's been a lot of fun so far. Marcin and I have started a new account (team-tssci) and will be working collaboratively as the games have now gotten more technical, involving having to write shellcode and such. Make yourself an account, play the games, and we invite you to beat us on the scoreboard.

Posted by Casey on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 in Hacking.

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