tssci security

Why pen-testing doesn't matter

Pen-testing is an art, not a science

Penetration-testing is the art of finding vulnerabilities in software. But what kind of an "art" is it? Is there any science to it? Is pen-testing the "only" way or the "best" way to find vulnerabilities in software?

When I took my first fine arts class, we learned that "art is for art's sake" and "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I spent some time philosophizing on whether or not that was true. After years, I was never able to prove those concepts wrong. However, I did learn something interesting about art. If you're an artist trying to improve technique, trying to sell art, or trying to send a message -- it all comes down to one thing: goal setting and accomplishment. Does your artistic outlet meet your needs towards your goal? Did you accomplish what you wanted to?

Compliance "audits" and "education/awareness" vs. Security "testing" and "assurance/process-improvement"

Many organizations are attempting to improve software security assurance by improving process and technology. Others are just trying to increase security awareness, or meet compliance objectives. Some are trying to keep their heads above water -- and everyday they worry that another breach will reach media attention or become a statistic on Etiolated. For those who are showing improvements and making software assurance a science and a reality -- they are few in number.

Microsoft started the trusted computing initiative via a memo from Bill Gates in 2002. The end result was the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), a process to improve software security. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) was started in 2001, and began a project that was completed last year called the Comprehensive, Lightweight Application Security Process (CLASP), which utilized a lot of the research OWASP members had been working on for years. Also in 2001, Gary McGraw and John Viego wrote a book called Building Secure Software: How to Avoid Security Problems the Right Way, which later became a methodology for Cigital (Gary McGraw's company) to move software security process knowledge into the hands of Cigital clients. Also last year, McGraw released a new book, Software Security: Building Security In, which is the culmination of his Touchpoints process model.

One year and one week after 9/11/2001, the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace was released for the public eye. The US Department of Homeland Security created a National Cyber Security Division, which in turn created a strategic initiative, the SwA Program (Software Assurance). This program is based on one short, but very important part of the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace document, "DHS will facilitate a national public-private effort to promulgate best practices and methodologies that promote integrity, security, and reliability in software code development, including processes and procedures that diminish the possibilities of erroneous code, malicious code, or trap doors that could be introduced during development". The current director of the SwA Program is Joe Jarzombek, who is responsible for many important objectives, including the Build Security In web portal. This portal includes much of the on-going work from Cigital, NIST, MITRE, and the DHS on software assurance process improvements.

The week of 9/11/2007, OWASP planned a huge event known as OWASP Day. OWASP is planning another OWASP Day with a March 2008 time frame for those of us who missed out on the first one of its kind. One of the presenters in Belgium, Bart De Win, gave a presentation on "CLASP, SDL, and Touchpoints Compared". All three are really just books on secure software processes, so comparing them at first seems a bit like doing a bunch of book reports (and possibly subjective going back to the whole "art is for art's sake" argument). Bart's comparison is interesting, but I'm interested in what all three are missing. Towards the end of this blog entry, I'll recommend a new secure software process that takes into account security testing from both a software assurance model and a penetration-testing model.

The premise behind having a software development lifecycle that takes security into account is that at some point -- business analysts, requirements writers, software architects, software engineers, programmers, and/or testers will perform tasks that are part of a process that involves security as a forethought. In other words, testing "for security" is not done "after-the-fact", nor is it done "right before release". Security testing before release is typically when development hands-off the application to a support or operations team. Quality testers refer to this as "operations testing". If security is a total afterthought, quality testers usually call this "maintenance testing". Both situations are really where penetration-testing is done, which is usually accomplished by security professionals, usually in an IT security team (or consultants hired by such a team). Many of these individuals actually prefer a black-box assessment, where knowledge or access to the configurations and source code is again an afterthought. Some pen-testers prefer a "source-code assisted black-box assessment" and would like access to the source code and configuration files, but policy or other constraints limit this kind of access.

One of the questions that might come up here has to do with penetration-testing as part of compliance objectives, such as Sarbanes-Oxley, SAS70, HIPAA, or the dreaded PCI-DSS. In this situation, you have assessors working in an auditor role. A very common trend is for a PCI "approved scanning vendor" (ASV) to perform a penetration-test using COTS "security scanners" which often require both customization and "vulnerability verification". The verification comes into play because scanners will often identify a vulnerability when it turns out later that the vulnerability does not exist (a condition known as a Type I error, or false positive). ASV's test once a year against a "test-ground" network and web application approved by the PCI Council, but nowhere does this process require the ASV to remove false positives or customize their scanner tools. Most COTS security scanners simply just work the first time against the ASV test-grounds. How often they work or don't work against real-world networks and web applications without proper customization is left as an exercise for the reader to determine. Your guess is as good as mine.

What ever happened to full-disclosure, free information, and the hackers?

Free security research has been available since the MIT TMRC started playing with mainframes and micros. The media and software manufacturers to this day still don't understand the motivations, tools, and techniques that hobbyist security researchers have employed -- much of which has truly been the "art" of vulnerability finding. However, many hobbyists turned to starting or joining up with businesses during the dot-com era. The lost "art" of vulnerability finding made its way into the corporate environment. Around 2001 and 2002, the largest of software corporations (Microsoft was already mentioned) learned the benefit of performing self-assessments, including secure code review and even secure design inspection. Companies such as @Stake and Foundstone were founded, often brought in to perform these reviews/inspections as consultants, and then were both later acquired by Symantec and McAfee, respectively.

Other security researchers (especially ones that were unable to take part in the dot-com era success due to previous computer felony convictions, or other disadvantaged situations such as living in a third-world country) are possibly now what has become the criminal underground of the Internet. There are still many people who find themselves in between these two camps (gray hat hackers), but their numbers are few compared to what they used to be. If penetration-testing is still an art form, then these are the only people practicing it -- the black hat and gray hat hackers. It is quite possible that some of the improvements in fuzz testing have come from these types in the past few years, although even many of those people have started their own companies or joined up with some larger organization. Where are the "hacker groups" that remain out there?

Software manufacturers are beginning to understand the problem, and big financials and e-commerce also have implemented their own secure software processes. Gadi Evron gave a presentation where he called out who was using fuzz testing in the corporate world earlier this year. The word on the street is that financials and e-commerce are "fuzzing before purchase," i.e. they won't buy a new product, especially a network security device or the latest DLP-HIPS-NAC-UTM solution without running an internally purchased Codenomicon, BreakingPoint Systems, Mu Security, or beSTORM fuzz testing engine and doing the best they can to break it first. "Fuzz before release" occurs when some vendors such as Microsoft, Symantec, and Cisco build their own custom fuzz testing engines such as FuzzGuru (Microsoft), SEEAS (Symantec), and Michael Lynn (Cisco -- oh wait they sued him) -- I mean CIAG (oh wait they dismantled that group, didn't they?).

"The future is already here -- it's just unevenly distributed"

The quote above is taken from William Gibson to describe that the situation that we're in doesn't apply to everyone. However, there are some things that it obviously does apply to, which I'm about to cover. Surprisingly futuristic, today's security testing tools are almost as good as all of the ones mentioned in the previous section. This is partially because fuzz testing isn't the end-all-be-all for security testing. In fact, fault-injection and network security scanners (e.g. Hailstorm and Nessus) also aren't the end-all-be-all in security testing. Secure design inspection and secure code review are what make the secure software processes actually work. However, testing tools for secure inspection/review are few and far between. They're maturing very slowly, and many penetration-testers, developers, and managers feel that:

If myself or the vendors behind these products can put these notions to rest -- let us give it a shot. In 2008 there is no reason that any of the excuses above will apply for new software projects. Sure, there is tons of existing code -- a lot of it in binary format -- much of it legacy -- and worst of all: your company or organization still relies on it without a plan to replace or even augment its functionality.

I feel as if I'm stuck in a similar situation using the primary software pieces that I use everyday -- Firefox, IE, all the major browser-plugins made by Adobe (Flash and Acrobat), Apple (QuickTime), or Sun Microsystems (Java). Then there's the other software that I use made by the likes of AOL, Mozilla + the usual suspects (Adobe, Apple, Mircosoft, and Sun) in the form of instant messaging clients, productivity applications (MS-Office, OpenOffice, iWork), and arts/entertainment (Windows MediaPlayer, iTunes, Adobe everything, Apple everything). These are the targets -- the important software that we need to keep secure. Yet the only software manufacturer out of the list above that has a secure software process and writes their own fuzz testing engine is Microsoft. However, if we were able to secure these applications properly then other software would instead be targeted. I use enough embedded devices running some sort of burned-in software (that never or rarely updates) to come to the realization of this outcome. I'm also one of those types of security professionals that buys into some of the FUD with regards to web applications (especially SaaS) and open-source software used as third-party components in everything (the RNA to a full application's DNA).

The Continuous-Prevention Security Lifecycle

The reality is that all software needs to be properly designed and inspected -- all software requires a secure software process. Earlier I mentioned that the SDL, CLASP, and Touchpoints processes were "missing something". While working on the matter, I have discovered some unique approaches that extend and simplify the primary three secure software process models. My suggested secure software process consists of only four elements:

  1. Developers using Continuous Integration (Fagan inspection + coding standards + unit testing + source code management + issue tracking + "nightly" build-servers)
  2. MITRE CAPEC used in the design review ; Secure design inspection performed using CAPEC
  3. MITRE CWE used in automated secure static code analyzers at build-time ; Secure manual code review performed using CWE
  4. CAPEC and CWE-driven automated fault-injection and/or fuzz testing tools at build-time measured with code coverage ; Verification of non-exploitables vs. exploitables

All of the above steps can be performed by untrained developers except for the parts after the semi-colons. For step 2, developers can use Klocwork K7 or Rational Rose/RequisitePro along with security professionals during secure design inspection, or provide the security team with their UML designs or requirements. For step 3, a manual code review workflow tool such as Atlassian Crucible can be used to combine Fagan inspection with the necessary security sign-off to complete a secure manual code review (to be completed on every check-in, component check-in, or before every nightly/major build -- depending on the environment). Step 4 verification process requires the most attention by security professionals, although there is little reason that all vulnerabilities found can be issued with a low priority and verified before release. All the other steps are continuous and can be performed/fixed everyday, possibly at every check-in of code -- but usually at least once a day in the nightly build.

The most important part of my "Continuous-Prevention Security Lifecycle" (CPSL) process is for developers to write unit tests that assert the behavior of each defect's fix. This is known as continuous-prevention development, and it's a special kind of regression test that works especially well for security vulnerabilities because it:

Penetration-testers should take special notice that my CPSL process does not include any operations or maintenance testing. All of the testing is done before quality testers (or developer-testers) even get to begin system integration or functional testing. This type of security testing is suggested to be done very early in the process, which follows similar guidelines as the SDL, CLASP, and Touchpoints processes suggest.

The benefits and drawbacks of open-source software There are some that may complain about my itemized suggestions based on a limited budget. For those situations, open-source software can be used: e.g. Fujaba instead of Klockwork K7, NASA's Software Assurance Technology Center (SATC) Automated Requirement Tool (ARM 2.1) instead of IBM Rational RequisitePro, and Trac instead of Atlassian Crucible. If you spent any time reading my last blog entry on 2007 Security Testing tools in review, then you'll find gems such as PMD SQLi and FindBugs as reference secure static code analyzers (as well as the many mentioned for PHP, ASP, and Java web applications), plus countless of open-source fuzzers and fault-injectors.

As for defining a secure software process for open-source software projects, many of these are integrated or bundled with commercial software. Which brings me to a few points. First of all, commercial software developers should be testing third-party components in addition to their own code -- anything that gets built on the build-server should go through the same checks, imported or not. Bugs will get found and fixed in open-source projects through this sort of effort, in addition to open-source projects that operate under my CPSL or other secure process. As a final point, it's no longer theoretical that "the world can review open-source" thanks to efforts such as BUGLE: Google Based Secure Code Review.

Software security assurance: Predictions for 2008

One of my predictions for 2008 is that we'll start to see individuals and companies that have invested in penetration-testing skills move towards awareness and compliance. The shift will in part be due to security testing moving to a place earlier in the development lifecycle, with "penetration-style" security testing tools being replaced with "secure software process friendly" tools. Many new tools for secure software process models will evolve from existing workflow management and design inspection development tools. Classic, gray hat "penetration-tester" tools such as automated fault-injectors and fuzzers will become Ant tasks on a build-server. Security testing, if pushed early in the life cycle, will actually improve code quality -- causing less spending on quality testing at the cost of more time/dollars spent on developer-testing.

Do not let all of this confuse you into thinking there isn't room for major improvements to secure software processes, security testing tools, or other security research. It's just a simple re-focusing of where, who, and when security testing is done. This paradigm shift will allow initiatives like Build Security In, CAPEC, and CWE to really take off. New projects that concentrate on measuring and understanding false positives are already in larvae stages. Combining data from CAPEC into other projects such as the WASC Threat Classifications (in a similar way that the OWASP T10-2007 used CWE data) will lead to new attack patterns and ways of understanding current attack patterns. Maturity of CWE and CVE data will drive results for CWE-Compatible tools and services to lead into CWE-Effective equivalents.

By allowing developers "in" on the security industry's closely-guarded and well-kept secrets, we'll be able to protect applications in ways we have never done in the past. Secure frameworks such as HDIV will continue to improve, possibly to the point where security testing isn't necessary for a large majority of attack paths and security weaknesses. Exploitation countermeasures based on AI might move into applications to prevent a large amount of exceptions such as those explored during penetration-testing efforts. At the very least we'll start to see distributed applications logout users automatically or disable accounts that attempt automated fault-injection, potential fraud, or other unwanted attacks. It's possible that you'll even make a friend on a development team, or maybe even become a full-time "security developer" yourself. There will always be room for pen-tester artisans in the wild world of computer science and software engineering.

Posted by Dre on Sunday, December 2, 2007 in Defense, Hacking, Security and Tech.

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