tssci security

Accountability through connected frameworks

Apparently Laura Chappell and Mark Curphey were presenting at the Microsoft TecEd 2008 Security Track last week. I haven't heard too much about what happened as a result, and I really wish I was there to see them speak about their respective topics.

For those who don't know Mark Curphey, he was the founder of OWASP, and is currently working for Microsoft on the Connected Information Security Framework. I dug up more information on the Microsoft CISF from reading this [PDF] presentation at the Jericho Forums -- which should be required reading, even if you don't read the rest of this blog post.

The Microsoft Connected Information Security Framework

Mark identifies a few key areas of process for the Microsoft CISF:

  1. Understand and document the process
  2. Understand metrics and objectives
  3. Model and automate process
  4. Understand operations and implement controls
  5. Optimize and improve

He identifies several technology solutions such as:

CISF for everybody else

There's quite a lot to like about what Mark says (even if you're a rabid open-source fanatic), and what he claims is "an 80 percent solution for the masses". Here's what the other 20 percent might see:

In basic terms, Mark is trying to say that we need to formalize our security processes to include concepts of modern risk. He's also saying that everyone needs a security plan.

GRC refugees

I don't know if Mark got to speak about the Microsoft CISF at TechEd (or how well it was received), and I wasn't able to find a lot of information on what did happen. However, I was able to dig up a possible short-term solution for those seeking refuge from the now-dead GRC camp.

Actually, I'm still not quite able to make the easy distinction between Mark's goals with CISF and GRC platforms/tools. Eventually, I'm sure this point will be cleared up. Mark calls GRC platforms, "Security departments in a box", but I'm failing to understand how the compliance part of a CISF isn't just "A Security department in a box: Just add milk (or soy milk)".

Visibility: "It's even better than Monitoring"

Mark identified a problem-area for process point number 4 above: "Understand operations and implement controls". He suggested "Visibility": Fast and accurate compliance and audit data. Here's a term that I've seen thrown around a lot recently in all of the various blog posts / Verizon book report notes from their [PDF] data breach survey. It's a term that I'm quickly getting sick of, but let me give you the short-order answers from the various religious institutions.

Richard Bejtlich is without a doubt, the largest supporter of "Visibility" for information security. I think he even has a blog post called "Visibility, Visibility, Visibility". The guy is nuts for the word. Richard is the type of guy who likes to integrate "Visibility" into new security catch-phrases. He even has his own acronym, NSM for "Network Security Monitoring", which is really old news compared to "Visibility".

Network visibility

When Marcin did a blog post about NSM earlier last month, I had lots of thoughts that I wanted to say. Largely, the problem with NSM, visibility, IPS, and IDS is that these technologies are so easily subverted by any intelligent adversary, or by a newbie who happens to be using encryption properly.

Visibility also brings me back to the good old days, when packets were cleartext and adversaries weren't organized. I have fond memories of Zalewski's museum of broken packets. Taosecurity came on the stage a bit late, and Richard's Openpacket.org capture repo would have been incredibly useful many years ago (although I'm not sure of the value now). For those just getting into the world of packet captures, it would have been great to see Laura Chappell's presentation at Microsoft TechEd 2008 (although she appears to be very private about her expensive material) -- because her courseware still remains one of the easiest and fastest (and most expensive) ways to learn Wireshark. She does make her Trace Files available for download, which I guess isn't a half-bad attempt at giving back to the community.

Host compliance visibility

Ok, here we go... I'm creating more problems than I'm solving -- but bear with me for a second. I don't think this has anything to do with Microsoft's CISF or GRC tools, but it's another ingredient to add into the mixing bowl. While researching about Microsoft TechEd 2008, I came across some interesting links that somehow apply to this whole message I'm trying to convey.

I found a TechNet article on Security Compliance Managment dated June 5th, 2008. Basically, it's a downloadable toolkit that integrates with Microsoft SMS / Configuration Manager 2007.

Unfortunately, this means that it requires a full version of that software since it relies on DCM (desired configuration management) features, which are not available in the free version of Microsoft SMS, Microsoft System Center Essentials 2007. Were it available (hint to Microsoft, please do this!), this would add an incredibly powerful, free compliance tool that would support up to 10 servers and 50 clients.

The primary component of the Security Compliance Managment Toolkit, GPOAccelerator, is also available for free, but the other features (such as reporting and SCAP support) would be really nice to have.

I've seen other tools like these: little tools that are faster/easier than GRC tools, but that still provide enough information to those who need it for their auditors. I'm not sure where they fit or how useful they are, but here they are nonetheless.

What I don't like about Visibility

Visibility has a problem: it only sees what it can see; and it usually only sees what it wants to see. This is why I prefer accountability over visibility.

In accountability, when you locate a new problem (or just want information about it): you bring up the name of a person or team (hopefully with expertise). That person or team has contact information: phone, email, IM, and location available in the directory. The other side of accountability is when you're the source of the problem. In this case, the person or team usually comes to you and provides identification.

In basic terms, accountability means that you're working with real, live people. Visibility usually involves looking at a pane-of-glass, a product, a spreadsheet, or some graphic. It makes things easier, but it doesn't solve problems directly, even when "fully automated".

BPM: more People (Accountability) or more Technology (Visibility)?

I think the Wikipedia article on BPM sums up the problems fairly well. GRC tools provide too much visibility in a technology platform that isn't really necessary or working to meet the end goals.

This is where there exists a divide. It doesn't matter if the economy is up or down, organizations have to find their balance of spending on people versus spending on technology.

"Don't lead with a tool"

As a strategy consultant, I'm often in precarious situations to make suggestions that appear outside of my realm of expertise. I think we need more experts on Organizational Development, Organizational Behavior, etc. My gut instinct tells me that in many organizations, we're leading with too many tools -- and we're also very top heavy. The problems with application/software security are largely the result of a lack of accountability. We need more contributors (and the claim is that we can't add enough, or add them fast enough), but really we need better (and less) managers. A single manager should be able to grow his/her organization to the necessary size with the necessary measures in order to be accountable for every win and every mistake. Organizations should hire managers who can do this without adding complex, unnecessary, or idle layers of management. I've worked with managers who manage 50 reports (as an example) with full accountability in place and nearly every contributor happy and successful.

I think it's important to look at the breach data, sure. But it's also important to hear from the people involved in breach identification and response. I like to hear stories. I never hear stories. We're too quick to jump to conclusions about what the numbers mean. We're too quick to use the numbers to prove our points, or to reiterate / bring-up old discussions.

What I'd like to see in a Connected Information Security Framework is identification of roles and responsibilities, as well as active levels of determining accountability to the necessary controls. Do we need to redefine what a CISO is? What a security architect is? What a secure code reviewer / developer is? What a security tester is?

What does "Information Security Analyst" or "Information Security Engineer" mean anymore?

Posted by Dre on Sunday, June 15, 2008 in Conferences, People, Security and Tech.

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